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Huge Increase in Dog Ownership = Busy, Busy Dog Groomers

The Pet Food Manufacturers Association has recently published their latest Pet Population Survey indicating that 3.2 million households have acquired a pet since the start of the covid-19 pandemic.


The survey reports dog ownership is now at a staggering 12 million. The last previous count recorded by the PDSA we 11 million and that in turn was up from 10 million in 2018 so the rise has been jumping in recent history, not just down to the pandemic.


A big increase in ownership has been driven by younger families. The PFMA reveals two-thirds of owners across all pets are aged between 16-34 years. Over a third (38%) of new pet owners claimed that having a new pet was like having new baby, thus continuing the trend of humanising the relationship between pets and their owners.


From a dog groomers point of view, not only will there be more dogs that need to be groomed, but also new, in-experienced owners will need groomers to be their expert advising on regular visits and tips for home care. With the increased emotional connection between owners and their pets the opportunity to provide additional services, such as pampering sessions, animal massage as well as regular grooming all makes for a happy dog, and owner and sound business model for you.

Not only are bolt-on services a great business idea but also retailing products that owners can use at home. Your favourite shampoos and sprays can be bought wholesale in many instances and sold on to your customers for extra profit. This has the extra benefit of cash in the till but also helping an owner care for their dog’s skin and coat between grooms.


If anyone reading this is not yet a dog groomer but is thinking about a career change, there is no better time. Not only are there plenty of clients to go around but the availability and options of training and support has never been better. Self-study, supported classroom study, exam, portfolio, practical, theory – there are different options across the UK for all. As advocates of education, we believe becoming qualified is the best route into grooming to give you knowledge and confidence to handle and groom a dog safely, not to mention being able to look after the dog whilst in your care. Grooming is often a lone profession and being able to deal with first aid, illness and identify when your doggie clients are not themselves is as important as being able to clip neatly. To find a training school near you click HERE


Welcome all new pet owners – we your dog grooming community are happy to serve your new family members.

To find a qualified groomer in your area click HERE.

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